Full-time Nurse or Homecare
Our team of skilled and experienced full-time home care nurses is here to provide your loved ones with round-the-clock support and attention. From medical assistance to emotional companionship, our nurses are trained to address a wide range of needs. Whether it’s administering medications, monitoring health conditions, or simply lending a listening ear, our nurses become an integral part of your loved one’s daily life. If you’re looking for full-time nurse homecare services that combine medical expertise with compassionate care, look no further than Jalees Home Healthcare. Contact us today to discuss your needs, schedule a consultation, or learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal health and well-being in the comfort of your home.
Nanny/Midwife Services
Our maternity nurses are compassionate, knowledgeable and has expertise to help new parents to care for their newborn babies, twins as well as babies with complex medical needs or feeding issues. Your child will get personal care who will be around them all day long and will spend all night looking after the baby- feeding, changing nappies and soothing them to sleep, allowing exhausted parents some respite. And if you’re breastfeeding, they can even help with latching difficulties in those early days.